Sunday, September 1, 2013

Be the Change

Well, here it is, my first post. I am not sure where to start. Not because I don't know what to write about, but because there is so much to write about. Let's start from the beginning. My name is Stacy. I am a wife and mother. I am a nurse and a Mormon. All of these things play a big role in who I am and what is important to me. First I became a Mormon, AKA member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (find more about this here). My belief in Jesus Christ leads me to have high moral standards and values that are dear to me. At the age of 14 I made a choice to live these high moral standards. It has been the best choice I have made and has shaped my life to what it is today. Many of my opinions will reflect these standards and values. I believe everyone has their right to worship how, who/what, and where they choose. That being said I ask that any comments you may have are kept respectful. It is not my intent to offend anyone however, if my opinion offends you, please remember you have the right to choose not to read my blog. Second, I became a wife. I love my husband. He is a wonderful man. We share the same goals. He is my partner. My love for him motivates many of my opinions as well. Third, I became a nurse. I work with people of all ages in home care. The majority being the elderly. I sometimes long for the times in which they "grew up". I have lost track of how many conversations I have had with patients on sliding morals and lacking values in society. They sit in their rocking chairs, stupefied at the blatantly inappropriate happenings in the world. They tell me their worries for their posterity. I agree with them. I however, am not bound to a rocking chair. I am young and have a say in the world around me. I may be one voice but one voice can still be heard. I may not change anything but at least people can know where I stand. Fourth, I became a mother. I love my child more than life itself. I have felt more strong in my opinions since she has arrived. The primitive protective instinct in me has kicked in and I have to speak out. There are blatant and brutal attacks on the family at every turn. How do we keep our families safe? How do we provide a sanctuary from these attacks? How do we raise virtue in our children and in our little corners of the world? Sister Elaine S. Dalton, a member of the Young Women general presidency in our church said "now is the time for each of us to arise and unfurl banner to the world calling for a return to virtue". What is virtue? It is "a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards" (Preach My Gospel, 2004, 118). This includes moral purity. If blogs had mission statements, mine would read: "To provide strength, support, and encouragement to women and families and to call for a return to virtue wherever that call can be heard". Feel free to comment! I would love to hear ways you are trying to strengthen you families.

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